cbstudio architecture | Chartwell Eau Claire

Chartwell Eau Claire

Chartwell Retirement Residences – Eau Claire
Calgary, Canada

Services: All Phases: Concept Design – Construction Administration

With the largest aging population in Canadian history, the numbers of retirees requiring residential facilities has never been higher. With this comes an increasing need to refresh and maintain existing facilities while still providing services. The Eau Claire residence in Calgary required deep upgrades to their two dining rooms. The 8th Floor Dining Room and Nursing Station had been carved out of a residential unit. A full upgrade was completed that included a service kitchen, coffee station, dining area and custom nursing station. The Main Floor Dining Room was dated and dark with a castle theme. Small economic refinements modernized the space subsequently. The upgrade included refreshed main and private dining rooms, a new large service station, small service stations throughout the floor and a café/bar.

Completed by Heather Cameron and Christopher Brett with
cbstudio architecture.