Chartwell Retirement Residences – Royal Park
Calgary, Canada
Services: All Phases: Concept Design – Construction Administration
With the largest aging population in Canadian history, the numbers of retirees requiring residential facilities has never been higher. With this comes an increasing need to refresh and maintain existing facilities while still providing services. The Royal Park residence in Calgary shares the building with another retirement home that had coveted the original commercial kitchen. Royal Park required a new commercial kitchen, freezer and food services manager (FSM) office. Phasing the work was critical so a temporary servery was created first to utilize while the kitchen upgrade and freezer were completed. Subsequently, the servery became a sports lounge with a new integrated café/bar and FSM office. Accessible washroom upgrades, a mail area and a general refresh of collective areas was also part of the scope.
Completed by Heather Cameron and Christopher Brett with
cbstudio architecture.