cbstudio architecture | C713 Hillhurst Dental Clinic

C713 Hillhurst Dental Clinic

Hillhurst Dental Clinic Addition & Renovation
Calgary, Canada

Hillhurst and Kensington are envied neighbourhoods in Calgary for their parks and amenities. While the trend has been to demolish existing buildings in these zones, another concept is emerging. Adding density to existing structures freshens tired buildings while increasing the essential street activity. The existing building at grade housed street oriented retail with a later medical services addition. The project proposes a new dental clinic be added as a second floor and interconnected to grade by a transparent vertical circulation volume. The entire structure is wrapped in a new material palette. Landscaping and a small terrace face 14th Street, a major N-S pedestrian linkage. The second level covets a terrace overlooking an adjacent park.

Completed by Heather Cameron and Christopher Brett with cbstudio architecture.